Helping people get things done, be more productive, learn, grow and be entertained. Digital products that remove barriers, save time and do it in ways that are intuitive, effective and engaging.

Our Services


digital user experience and user interface design

We recognise digital products need to be highly engaging, fun, beautiful and shippable all at once! We have deep expertise across web, responsive web and native design patterns and standards. Our design process is orientated around the needs, wants, limitations and desires of the user. This creates highly usable products that are engaging and have an emotional connection with the user.

Castle Digital Strategy

digital product strategy

We help digital businesses reach their next stage of growth, either through starting new business units or accelerating existing growth. We leverage proven frameworks and have built a strong, fun culture of design thinking and lean experimentation to maximise success.


WEB and Mobile application development

We create performant, robust and extensible digital platforms that provide a flexible and scalable foundation for future innovation and growth. Our experienced development team work with a range of technologies and the latest frameworks and languages to ensue optimal performance and cross platform compatibility. 


software delivery Life cycle management

Our continuous delivery model enables you to release new features to market continuously, measure and refine to ultimately provide customers a cutting edge experience. It’s never enough to simply keep the lights on. We analyze the performance of your digital product and work with you to drive key business and customer metrics that will help you achieve your objectives. Everything we do is considered with security and privacy at the heart of our solutions.


Integration Services

It’s important that you leverage the investment that you have already made in your application environment to ensure seamless integration of services and a single source of truth for key business and customer data. We provide API development and integration services and are experienced at creating intuitive and dynamic front end experiences that are driven by multiple and complex data sources.


Platform Hosting and Infrastructure Management

We manage your platform as if it were our own. We provide hosting and infrastructure management using a range of cloud services including Google, AWS and Azure and manage platform version control, automated building and test (CI) and automated deployment (CD). We set you up to ship new releases of your digital product or platform on a regular and frequent basis to ensure that you are delighting your audience and staying ahead of the competition.

What We Create

Our Approach

Castle Digital Approach

We think differently, with a design and user experience led approach that ensures success, project after project. We bring customers, business and technology together to enable true innovation, thought leadership, and exceptional outcomes that drive business growth

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Free Consultation

Contact us today about your digital product, platform, and project needs.




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